The taste of color

  The heat on the streets in Playa del Carmen was reaching some 110 F. We walked for a few hours checking out shops, restaurants, architecture, food, people, plants, aromas, music and the pebbles on the streets. Tiny doors leading us to secret gardens, playing a game of seduction where they would show us, from far away, only…

What is home?

What is home for you?  Is it the silence you seek when your mind is busy and tired? The softness of the bed when your body needs repose? The emotions and excitement when you bring people in? Or the peaceful place to hide when you need a break from the world? A place to experiment and create? A place…


I wrote this whole post using “WE” then I went back and changed to “I” because I realized that I might be the minority who loves Summer above all seasons? And it feels very hard to let go of the Summer sensations that my body craves. The burning sun on my shoulders, eating outdoors everyday if I…

The farmhouse kitchen

Imagine a country home tucked away in the middle of a pretty landscape and a pond sitting in the back yard. Lots of flowers by the entrance and a cat and a dog to great you at the door. This was it! This was a kitchen remodel that brought great satisfaction to me when, at the end, I…

A dream

  I have a dream… I have a dream of having a studio/shop and I know exactly down to the minimum details how I want it. I have spent hours dreaming about it, both during the day and during the night. Here is how it goes: I want an old building with a large floor area…

Illustration work and some other stuff

It’s Friday and I’m feeling full of energy. I can put my construction boots away and play with art. I’m just kidding because there were never working boots on these feet. This is how I dress to work during Summer: I really love these two pictures because they show the true me, how uncomplicated I am and…

Farmhouse style

 Where raw materials as unfinished wood, rusted metal and vintage pieces come together reminding us that home can be elegant and relaxed at the same time. It’s a feeling of comfort when surrounded by textures like brick, quilts, handmade stuff. It’s being close to simplicity by choosing items that talk about the past. Reclaimed wood and aged metals…

Sometimes, Never, Forever and Always.

I love the word “Sometimes”. I can’t stand the word “Never”. I wish I could believe in the word “Forever”. And I accept the word “Always”. I’m Always thinking and Always doing something with my mind or my hands. But only Sometimes I have the inspiration. I walk around the house and Never want to…