Finger painting the landscape

Imagine your fingers are paint brushes loaded with amazing warm colors sliding on a canvas and adding strokes to the painting. Imagine you can feel the thick creamy paint and you are bringing the image to life. Stroke after stroke you build an image of green fields, rough wood barn and cotton candy skies. Dab,…

Art and gratitude

I don’t know where this idea comes from but in my mind everything I do needs to look beautiful. I place art in everything I touch and I believe from the bottom of my heart that making art and sharing its beauty it’s my way of expressing love and gratitude. And that also goes for…

Inspiration for a bathroom project

I always say inspiration for my work comes from trips I have taken and places I have visited, the more I see the world the richer my inspiration bank gets. I register images, colors, smells, sensations. When I plan a space my intention is to replicate the sensation I had when I saw what I saw…

Breakfast with the sunrise

There’s no rush to Sunday mornings, they feel relaxing and inspiring. I still wake up to the same hour as weekdays but with the intention of pausing, reading, sitting outdoors and enjoying the sun, the fresh air and many times a baked item. The dog will follow. Not sure if she’s following me or the…

This place in my heart

There’s this place in my heart called HOME. Just like when you are wandering through a thousand websites and pages and links and you get lost or tired and hit Home and there you are, where you first started. Home is a very powerful word, it resets my mind, my heart and my vision. Home is like that…